What makes ZEISS lenses special?

Zeiss lenses are known for their exceptional quality and accuracy. This essay will help you understand what makes Zeiss Lense unique. Once you understand how unique Zeiss lenses are, you will never go back to the commonplace again.

ZEISS lenses in Malaysia are well-known for a number of reasons, including their optical excellence in photography, cinema, eyewear, and optical equipment.

Zeiss Lenses Malaysia

Here are some of the key qualities that make ZEISS lenses unique:

Optical Quality: ZEISS is known for producing high-quality optical lenses. This provides high resolution, sharp contrast, and excellent color reproduction. ZEISS lenses are designed to minimize optical aberrations such as chromatic aberration, distortion, and vignetting.

Coating Technologies: ZEISS lenses employ revolutionary coating technologies, such as the anti-reflective coating, which significantly reduces lens flare and ghosting. This approach enhances light transmission, producing clearer, brighter images.

Precision Engineering: ZEISS lenses are the result of rigorous engineering and quality control processes. To guarantee that each lens meets their exacting standards, the company uses high-quality materials and precise manufacturing techniques.

Innovative Design: ZEISS is always creating innovative lens designs to address the ever-changing needs of photographers and filmmakers. To improve performance, new optical formulations must be developed as well as complicated lens components included.

Superb Quality: ZEISS lenses are mechanically robust and long-lasting, designed to withstand the demands of professional use. ZEISS lenses’ focus and aperture rings, for example, provide smooth and accurate control, which professionals respect highly.

Expertise: ZEISS has a long history dating back to the mid-19th century, and it is well-known for its expertise in optics. This heritage of innovation and expertise fosters the confidence and preference that many photographers and cinematographers have for their products.

ZEISS offers a wide range of lenses, providing options for a variety of cameras and applications. ZEISS provides a diverse selection of lenses for DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, and large-format cinema.

ZEISS collaborates with a number of leading camera manufacturers to offer lenses and optical systems, exhibiting its industry expertise and confidence. These agreements allow ZEISS technology to reach a wider range of consumers and applications.

Overall, ZEISS lenses are popular among both professionals and enthusiasts because to their remarkable clarity, detail, and durability, which may significantly improve image quality in photography, film, or any other application that requires high-quality optical performance.
ZEISS provides high-quality optical lenses and systems. The product line comprises camera lenses, binoculars, microscopes, and, most notably, eyeglass lenses. If you are looking to buy Zeiss lenses, you have come to the correct site. Visit our website or call us at 012-622 1101, 017-3613 715, or 012-6022 809.

Our business offers some of the most fashionable sunglasses available. Order one from Malaya Optical now since we have solutions that may be adjusted to practically any need.

5 Natural Ways To Reduce Myopia

A refractive defect that is becoming more widespread is myopia, sometimes known as near-sightedness or shortsightedness. The view of far-off things is blurry at this angle. Myopia is an extremely prevalent condition that is treatable. Let’s discuss some of the natural ways to reduce Myopia easily.

According to certain post-pandemic research, there has been an abrupt spike in childhood myopia instances worldwide as a result of home confinements that increase screen usage. Myopia typically starts in childhood when the eyeball grows too long, making distant vision fuzzy. Let’s talk about natural myopia control methods and myopia control lenses Malaysia.

 Myopia Management Methods

1. Environmental factors and Lifestyle Modifications

Increased screen time or near work has been linked to myopia progression. This explains why there has been a sudden increase in the progression of myopia post-pandemic. The closer the work, the more likely myopic progression in children.

2. Low Dose atropine eye drops for myopia (0.01%)

ATOM (Atropine in the Treatment of Myopia) was a recent study that did a 2-year-long assessment of myopia progression in which they gave a set of myopic children low-concentration atropine 0.01% and a set of myopic children nothing and discovered that children who were given 0.01% atropine had a lower rate of myopia progression than the normal no intervention group.

3. Contact Lenses for myopia

Young people with myopia can have their myopia corrected using multifocal soft contact lenses, which help slow the growth of the diseased eye. The main purpose of these is to help those over 40 see better up close. The soft multifocal contact lenses include two primary light-focusing areas and a bullseye-like design.

4. Orthokeratology Contact Lenses

The method of creating rigid gas-permeable contact lenses with the express purpose of temporarily reducing or eliminating refractive error by altering the corneal curvature is known as orthokeratology. Reverse geometry is the foundation of this concept. OrthoK lenses shape the cornea by pressing on its center corneal surface.

5. Special types of Myopia control Spectacle lenses

Myopia may be controlled and corrected with myopia control lenses. In the first instance, this is an excellent option for managing myopia because wearing glasses is probably simpler. In order to regulate myopia, spectacle lenses with DIMS and H.A.L.T. technology surpass traditional lenses.

Axial elongation of the eye is the most prevalent cause of juvenile myopia and its development. This occurs when the eyeball becomes too lengthy from front to rear. Myopia control, in general, works by delaying this elongation. Prolonged close work can also result in the development and progression of myopia. Reducing extended durations of close labor can reduce the likelihood of myopia development. It is also critical to take regular breaks while working nearby.

For more information about myopia control lenses Malaysia and to purchase their goods, go to https://www.malayaoptical.com/ . You can also call 017-3613 715, 012-6022 809, or 012-622 1101 to make an appointment for an eye examination.

Mastering Vision: Myopia Control Insights from Malaya Optical

In a world dominated by screens and digital devices, the prevalence of myopia, or nearsightedness, has seen a significant rise. As our dependence on technology grows, so does the importance of myopia control in Malaysia. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of myopia control, shedding light on effective strategies and the role played by industry leaders like Malaya Optical.

Understanding Myopia Control

Myopia is a common refractive error that causes distant objects to appear blurry while close objects can be seen clearly. Myopia control refers to the various methods and interventions aimed at slowing down the progression of myopia. With the increasing awareness of the long-term implications of high myopia, more individuals are seeking proactive measures to control its advancement.

The Myopia Epidemic: A Growing Concern

In recent years, myopia has reached epidemic proportions, especially among the younger population. Factors such as prolonged screen time, reduced outdoor activities, and genetic predisposition contribute to this surge. Malaya Optical recognizes the urgency of addressing this issue and offers innovative solutions to empower individuals in taking charge of their eye health.

Cutting-Edge Technologies at Malaya Optical

Malaya Optical stands out as a leading provider of myopia control solutions, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies. Their commitment to staying at the forefront of eye care is evident in the diverse range of options they offer for myopia control. From specially designed eyewear to advanced contact lenses, Malaya Optical provides personalized solutions tailored to each individual’s needs.

Customized Eyewear for Myopia Control

Malaya Optical understands that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to myopia control. That’s why they offer a range of customized eyewear options designed to address specific vision needs. These lenses not only correct existing myopia but also work actively to slow down its progression, providing a comprehensive solution for those seeking effective myopia control.

The Role of Outdoor Activities

Malaya Optical recognizes the importance of outdoor activities in myopia control. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors can have a protective effect against myopia. Malaya Optical encourages individuals to strike a balance between screen time and outdoor activities to promote overall eye health and myopia control.

Expert Guidance from Malaya Optical’s Optometrists

At Malaya Optical, experienced optometrists play a pivotal role in guiding individuals on their myopia control journey. Regular eye examinations and personalized consultations ensure that individuals receive the most effective and suitable myopia control solutions. The expertise of Malaya Optical’s optometrists sets them apart in providing holistic eye care services.

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Vision with Malaya Optical

In the quest for myopia control, Malaya Optical emerges as a trusted partner, offering not just products but a commitment to empowering individuals to take control of their vision. The myopia epidemic requires proactive measures, and Malaya Optical stands ready to guide you on the path to clearer and healthier vision.

In conclusion, prioritizing myopia control is a proactive step towards safeguarding your vision for the future. With Malaya Optical’s expertise and cutting-edge solutions, you can embark on a journey towards clearer, sharper, and healthier eyesight.

5 Important Ways To Reduce Myopia Naturally

Myopia is nearsightedness affects nearly 40% of the Malaysians. It is among the most prevalent ocular disorders globally. Objects at a particular distance seem fuzzy due to myopia, just as other refractive problems.

Myopia is a common visual impairment that makes distant items appear hazy while close ones are plainly seen. Because of the abnormal refraction of light owing to an atypical eye shape, myopia is the result of light focusing before it reaches the retina rather than at it.

Myopia control Malaysia can progress quickly or very slowly, and it is frequently inherited. The most accurate method to determine whether you are myopic is to get a thorough eye exam.


  • Blurry eyesight when seeing far-off items
  • The have to partially shut or squint in order to see clearly
  • Headaches brought on by eye fatigue
  • Experiencing problems when operating a car, particularly at night


Myopia-related complications might be minor or serious. The following are some issues that myopia may cause:

Reduced quality of life – If you have myopia, you could find it more challenging to carry out regular chores.

Impaired safety – Improper treatment of your myopia makes activities like operating machines and driving dangerous.

Other eye problems – Retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopic degeneration are among the conditions that are more common in myopic individuals.

Financial burden – Purchasing corrective glasses or having pricey surgery are the two options for treating myopia.


The term “myopia” refers to a refractive mistake, which occurs when light fails to concentrate on the retina but instead focuses at a different spot through your cornea or lens. Refractive error occurs when the keratin or lens is not bent smoothly and evenly. Either an excessively steeply curved cornea or an elongated eyeball might result in nearsightedness.

Top Natural treatments for Myopia

  • Increase the Time You Spend Outside

The lifelong risk of nearsightedness may be lowered by increasing your outdoor activity during youth and the early stages of adulthood. This could be because the sun’s UV rays alter the sclera’s and cornea’s molecular structures, preserving their natural form.

  • Eat Healthily

Eat as much fruit, vegetables, and leafy greens as you can. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acid-rich seafood like salmon and tuna into your diet is beneficial for your eyes.

  • Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

If you spend a lot of time outside, wearing sunglasses can help reduce the growth of myopia and protect your eyes from dangerous UV rays.

  • Reduce Eyestrain 

The growth of myopia can be slowed down by taking breaks from screen time and allowing your eyes to rest.

  • No smoking

Smoking has a number of harmful impacts, including the potential to harm others around you and your eyesight. If you want to slow down the onset of myopia, stop smoking.

Myopia may seriously affect your eyesight and general eye health in addition to making it difficult to focus on distant things. To learn more about the lenses, myopia control Malaysia, and how to get one from Malaya Optical, visit our website at https://www.malayaoptical.com/  or give us a call at 012-622 1101.

Unveiling Clarity: Exploring the World of Essilor Lenses

In the realm of vision correction, Essilor lenses stand as a beacon of innovation and precision. As a global leader in the optical industry, Essilor has been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge lens technologies that redefine the way we see the world. Let’s delve into the fascinating universe of Essilor lenses Malaysia, exploring the features that set them apart and why they are a top choice for those seeking unparalleled clarity.

  1. Varilux: Elevating Multifocal Vision

At the heart of Essilor’s multifocal offerings is the renowned Varilux lens series. Varilux lenses are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, providing wearers with a seamless transition between different focal distances. Unlike traditional bifocals or trifocals with visible lines separating prescription zones, Varilux lenses offer a progressive design, allowing for a natural and distortion-free viewing experience. Whether you’re reading a book, working on a computer, or enjoying the scenery, Varilux lenses deliver clarity at every distance.

  1. Crizal: Unmatched Visual Comfort

Essilor’s Crizal lens coatings are engineered to elevate visual comfort by addressing common concerns such as glare, scratches, and smudges. The Crizal anti-reflective coating minimizes reflections, reducing eye strain during activities like driving at night or working on a computer. The scratch-resistant coating ensures durability, keeping lenses clear and pristine over time. Additionally, the hydrophobic and oleophobic properties of Crizal coatings repel water and oil, making it easier to clean and maintain your lenses.

  1. Transitions: Adaptive Light Control

Essilor’s Transitions lenses revolutionize the way we experience light. These innovative lenses seamlessly adapt to changing light conditions, darkening outdoors and quickly returning to clarity indoors. Transitions lenses provide UV protection, safeguarding your eyes from harmful rays. The latest Transitions technology, such as Transitions Signature GEN 8, offers a faster transition between tinted and clear states, ensuring a comfortable visual experience in any environment.

  1. Eyezen: Digital Relief for the Digital Age

In our digital-centric world, Essilor addresses the challenges of digital eye strain with the Eyezen lens series. These lenses are designed to reduce visual fatigue caused by prolonged screen time. Featuring a unique combination of vision-enhancing technologies, Eyezen lenses provide a more relaxed and comfortable viewing experience for digital device users. The lenses also incorporate a blue light filter, reducing exposure to potentially harmful high-energy visible (HEV) blue light emitted by screens.

  1. Essilor Experts: Personalized Vision Care

Essilor collaborates with a network of certified eyecare professionals known as Essilor Experts. These experts are dedicated to providing personalized vision solutions, ensuring that your lenses are precisely tailored to your individual needs. A consultation with an Essilor Expert involves a comprehensive eye examination and a discussion of lifestyle factors, allowing for the selection of lenses that optimize your vision and enhance your overall visual experience.

In conclusion, Essilor lenses epitomize a commitment to innovation, precision, and visual well-being. From the seamless multifocality of Varilux to the adaptive light control of Transitions, Essilor lenses cater to diverse vision needs. With a focus on visual comfort and cutting-edge technologies, Essilor continues to redefine the standards of clarity in the world of eyewear. Trusting your vision to Essilor is not just a choice; it’s an investment in a clearer, more vibrant perspective on life.

7 Nutrients That Will Optimize Your Eye Health

  1. Vitamin A

If you don’t consume enough vitamin A, you may experience night blindness, dry eyes, or even more serious conditions, depending on the severity of your deficiency.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are important for eye health. Taking EPA and DHA supplements daily for three months significantly reduced dry eye symptoms by increasing the formation of tear fluid.

  1. Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin function as a natural sunblock. They’re thought to play a central role in protecting your eyes against harmful blue light.

  1. Gamma-Linolenic Acid

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega-6 fatty acid found in small amounts in the modern diet. Some evidence suggests that taking evening primrose oil may reduce the symptoms of dry eye disease.

  1. Vitamin C

Your eyes require high amounts of antioxidants — more so than many other organs. The concentration of vitamin C is higher in the aqueous humor of the eye than in any other body fluid. 

  1. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble antioxidants that protect fatty acids from harmful oxidation. Since your retina has a high concentration of fatty acids, adequate vitamin E intake is important

  1. Zinc

Your eyes contain high levels of zinc. Zinc is a part of many essential enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, which functions as an antioxidant.

Let’s talk about the top seven nutrients that are extremely important for your eye health. This infographic will help you understand the importance of the nutrients and why you must consume them. The top 7 nutrients are Vitamin A, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Gamma-Linolenic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc. They’re low in calories but boast plenty of vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory plant compounds.

The Clarity and Precision of Zeiss Lenses: Unveiling the Art of Optical Excellence

In the realm of photography and cinematography, the name Zeiss is synonymous with quality, precision, and innovation. For over a century, Zeiss lenses Malaysia have been the trusted choice of professionals and enthusiasts alike, known for their unparalleled optical excellence and cutting-edge technology. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of Zeiss lenses and the reasons behind their unrivaled reputation.

A Legacy of Excellence

Zeiss, originally known as Carl Zeiss AG, is a German optics company founded in 1846 by Carl Zeiss. From its inception, the company has been committed to the pursuit of optical perfection. Zeiss lenses have played a pivotal role in shaping the world of photography and cinematography, and their legacy continues to thrive today.

Uncompromising Optical Quality

Zeiss lenses are renowned for their uncompromising commitment to optical quality. They are designed with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that each lens delivers exceptional clarity, contrast, and sharpness. This dedication to excellence is evident in every image and video captured with Zeiss glass.

Precision Craftsmanship

The manufacturing of Zeiss lenses involves a combination of precision engineering and craftsmanship. Each lens is carefully crafted with high-quality materials and assembled with precision. This results in lenses that are not only optically superior but also robust and built to last, even in demanding conditions.

Innovation and Cutting-Edge Technology

Zeiss lenses have consistently pushed the boundaries of optical technology. From the invention of anti-reflective coatings to the development of advanced autofocus systems, Zeiss has always been at the forefront of innovation. Their constant pursuit of improvement ensures that photographers and filmmakers have access to the latest advancements in lens technology.

Versatility for Every Application

Zeiss lenses cover a wide range of focal lengths and applications, making them suitable for a diverse set of creative needs. Whether you’re capturing stunning landscapes, portraiture, sports events, or macro photography, there is a Zeiss lens designed to meet your specific requirements. Their versatility ensures that professionals and hobbyists alike can find the perfect lens for their projects.

Iconic Zeiss Lens Series

Zeiss offers a range of iconic lens series, including the Zeiss Batis, Zeiss Loxia, and Zeiss Otus, to name a few. Each series is designed to cater to different needs, from compact mirrorless systems to high-end DSLRs. These lenses are known for their consistent image quality and unique optical characteristics that set them apart from the competition.

The Zeiss Experience

Using a Zeiss lens is an experience like no other. The optical quality, the precise manual focus, and the overall feel of Zeiss glass in your hands elevate your photography or filmmaking to a new level. Many photographers and cinematographers describe it as a transformative experience that allows them to fully express their creative vision.


Zeiss lenses have a long-standing reputation for excellence, and their commitment to optical quality, precision, innovation, and versatility ensures that they remain at the forefront of the industry. Whether you’re a professional photographer, a filmmaker, or an enthusiast, Zeiss lenses offer a world of creative possibilities. When you choose Zeiss, you’re not just selecting a lens; you’re investing in a legacy of optical perfection and a tool that will help you bring your creative visions to life. In the world of photography and cinematography, Zeiss lenses continue to be a shining beacon of clarity, precision, and artistry.

Myopia Control Lenses: The Visionary Solution for Nearsightedness

Do you or someone you know suffer from myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness? If so, you’re not alone. Myopia is a prevalent vision condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it’s traditionally managed with prescription glasses or contact lenses, there’s a revolutionary solution on the horizon – myopia control lenses. In this blog, we’ll explore the exciting world of myopia control lenses and how they’re changing the way we approach nearsightedness.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when distant objects appear blurry while close-up objects are clear. It’s typically caused by the elongation of the eyeball, which results in the focal point falling short of the retina. Over time, myopia can worsen, leading to a greater reliance on corrective lenses and increasing the risk of eye-related complications, such as retinal detachment and glaucoma.

Traditional treatments for myopia include prescription glasses and contact lenses, which provide clear vision but do not address the underlying issue. Myopia control lenses, on the other hand, are designed to slow down the progression of myopia, especially in children. Here’s how they work and the benefits they offer:

  1. Peripheral Defocus: Myopia control lenses are engineered to create peripheral defocus, which means that the peripheral (outer) part of the lens focuses light in front of the retina. This encourages the eye to grow more slowly, reducing the progression of myopia.
  2. Reduced Eye Strain: Myopia control lenses help in reducing eye strain, as the eyes do not need to accommodate excessively for close-up tasks. This can be particularly advantageous for individuals, especially children, who spend a significant amount of time on near tasks like reading and screen use.
  3. Slower Myopia Progression: Studies have shown that myopia control lenses can significantly slow down the progression of myopia, leading to potentially better long-term vision outcomes. This is especially important for children, as myopia tends to progress more rapidly during their formative years.
  4. Less Dependence on Stronger Prescriptions: By slowing the progression of myopia, individuals using myopia control lenses may require lower prescription changes over time. This means less frequent visits to the eye doctor and reduced expenses on new eyewear.
  5. Reduced Risk of Eye Complications: Slowing myopia progression with myopia control lenses can potentially reduce the long-term risk of serious eye conditions associated with high myopia, such as retinal detachment and glaucoma.

It’s important to note that myopia control lenses are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and their effectiveness may vary from person to person. An eye care professional can assess the suitability of myopia control lenses for an individual based on their age, myopia progression rate, and lifestyle factors.

In addition to myopia control lenses, there are other strategies to help manage myopia in children, such as spending more time outdoors, reducing screen time, and taking regular breaks from near work. Combining these strategies with myopia control lenses can offer the best results in slowing the progression of nearsightedness.

In conclusion, myopia control lenses are a groundbreaking solution for managing myopia, especially in children. By addressing the root cause of myopia and slowing its progression, these lenses provide not only clear vision but also the potential for a brighter, healthier future for your eyes. If you or a loved one is struggling with myopia, consult with an eye care professional to explore the possibilities of myopia control lenses and enjoy the benefits of clearer, healthier vision.

Different Types of Eyeglass Lenses and Coatings

Eyeglasses today are a fashion statement like stylish purse and belt. This post will talk about some of the important tips to find the right lenses for eyeglasses. Learn about what kinds of lenses will suit you and the coating of those lenses, which will help you choose the best optical shop in KL.

What Types of Lenses Are Available?

Lenses also improve with technology. Before, only glass was used to create them. The majority are now constructed of modern polymers. These new ones may be coated with a screen to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation and are lighter, more durable than glass, and break less quickly.

Trivex- They are constructed of a more recent material that resembles polycarbonate lenses. They are impact-resistant, lightweight, and thin. They could even improve eyesight correction for certain people.

 Polycarbonate- You may want to think about these impact-resistant lenses if you play sports, work in an area where glasses may easily be damaged, have small children who are rough with their eyewear, or if you work in such situations. They have UV protection integrated into them as well.

 Aspheric- These are curved to varying degrees. This allows them to be flatter and thinner, allowing you to utilize a considerably bigger area of the surface.

 High-index plastic-These lenses are lighter and thinner than the conventional, ultra-thick ones you might have had in the past if you require a strong prescription.

Photochromic- These become colored in the sunlight from clear. If the windshield of your automobile screens UV rays, you could no longer require sunglasses, however they might not darken inside. Both glass and plastic are acceptable.

Polarized sunglasses- These lenses are a terrific choice for sports and driving since they decrease glare from surfaces like water.

Anti-reflective- It can improve the appearance and reduce glare, reflections, and halo effects around lights.

 Tinted lenses- An occasional trace of bright or dark hue on the lens might improve your vision. A yellowish hue might improve contrast.

 Scratch- Most lenses currently come with UV protection and scratch resistance built in.

Mirror coatings- Although it only serves as cosmetics, this does conceal your eyes. They come in a variety of hues, including silver, gold, and blue.

Eyeglasses Care Tips

They should always be kept in a spotless, dry location away from hazards. Use water and a lint-free cloth to clean them. You’ll be able to see clearly and they’ll stay spot-free as a result. Obtain a prescription review during your yearly visit to the doctor. Regular eye exams also aid in maintaining the health of your eyes.

These are some of the eye lens coating and types of lenses to choose from. Hope these information helps you choose the best optical shop in KL. Visit us at https://www.malayaoptical.com/ or dial 012-622 1101 to know more about the lenses and how you can purchase one of them from Malaya Optical.

9 Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Optical shop Malaysia

1.       A Healthy Diet is the solution

There are certain foods that boost your eyesight and reverse the effects of aging like oily fish, orange color food, Eggs, soybeans, milk products, etc.

2.       Regular Check-up for your Eyes

Regular visits to optometrist are important. They administer several tests to determine how strong your vision is or how healthy your eyes are.

3.       Diabetes and Eye Health 

Obesity and diabetes are closely tied to potential eye problems. Exercising, diet control, and maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol can help fight this problem.

4.       Wear Sunglasses

The UV rays of the sun can harm your eyes. Shades can protect you from the worst of UV rays.

5.       Give up Smoking

Smoking is not only destructive to your lungs but it can also give you cataracts. Talk to a therapist if quitting seems impossible to you.

6.       Your Eyes Need a Break

Once every 30 minutes, look away from the screen and keep your eyes closed for 15 seconds.

7.       Protective gear

To mitigate the effect of blue light, you can attach an anti-glare cover to the screen of your computer or wear a pair of anti-glare glasses.  

8.       Eye exercise

Stare at a distant object for 15 seconds, switch your gaze over to a nearer object, and keep staring at it for another 15 seconds.

9.       Adjust the light

Make sure that the lights in your office room are not too harsh. Turn a few off, if possible.