5 Important Ways To Reduce Myopia Naturally

Myopia is nearsightedness affects nearly 40% of the Malaysians. It is among the most prevalent ocular disorders globally. Objects at a particular distance seem fuzzy due to myopia, just as other refractive problems.

Myopia is a common visual impairment that makes distant items appear hazy while close ones are plainly seen. Because of the abnormal refraction of light owing to an atypical eye shape, myopia is the result of light focusing before it reaches the retina rather than at it.

Myopia control Malaysia can progress quickly or very slowly, and it is frequently inherited. The most accurate method to determine whether you are myopic is to get a thorough eye exam.


  • Blurry eyesight when seeing far-off items
  • The have to partially shut or squint in order to see clearly
  • Headaches brought on by eye fatigue
  • Experiencing problems when operating a car, particularly at night


Myopia-related complications might be minor or serious. The following are some issues that myopia may cause:

Reduced quality of life – If you have myopia, you could find it more challenging to carry out regular chores.

Impaired safety – Improper treatment of your myopia makes activities like operating machines and driving dangerous.

Other eye problems – Retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopic degeneration are among the conditions that are more common in myopic individuals.

Financial burden – Purchasing corrective glasses or having pricey surgery are the two options for treating myopia.


The term “myopia” refers to a refractive mistake, which occurs when light fails to concentrate on the retina but instead focuses at a different spot through your cornea or lens. Refractive error occurs when the keratin or lens is not bent smoothly and evenly. Either an excessively steeply curved cornea or an elongated eyeball might result in nearsightedness.

Top Natural treatments for Myopia

  • Increase the Time You Spend Outside

The lifelong risk of nearsightedness may be lowered by increasing your outdoor activity during youth and the early stages of adulthood. This could be because the sun’s UV rays alter the sclera’s and cornea’s molecular structures, preserving their natural form.

  • Eat Healthily

Eat as much fruit, vegetables, and leafy greens as you can. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acid-rich seafood like salmon and tuna into your diet is beneficial for your eyes.

  • Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

If you spend a lot of time outside, wearing sunglasses can help reduce the growth of myopia and protect your eyes from dangerous UV rays.

  • Reduce Eyestrain 

The growth of myopia can be slowed down by taking breaks from screen time and allowing your eyes to rest.

  • No smoking

Smoking has a number of harmful impacts, including the potential to harm others around you and your eyesight. If you want to slow down the onset of myopia, stop smoking.

Myopia may seriously affect your eyesight and general eye health in addition to making it difficult to focus on distant things. To learn more about the lenses, myopia control Malaysia, and how to get one from Malaya Optical, visit our website at https://www.malayaoptical.com/  or give us a call at 012-622 1101.

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